Artists Off Stage - Nina Ljeti


Nina Ljeti of Kills Birds has been spending her time off-stage in Los Angeles, CA writing a new record, directing virtual-escapades, missing her grandparents in Bosnia - and wandering through the United States in Red Dead Redemption


Hi Nina! Hope you're doing well, how was your morning today?

It’s good! Went to the beach yesterday, which was a very rejuvenating experience. I’m headed off to band practice in a couple hours, so I’m killing time by listening to Paul’s Boutique, browsing Reddit, and sketching out some album art ideas. 

So, with the live music industry postponed for the foreseeable future, we've been asking artists how they've been spending time off-stage. We know touring and playing shows takes up a lot of time and energy, and we'd love to know what you've been up to in place of it - are there any projects or hobbies you've been focusing on lately?

Not being able to play is a huge bummer. Just want to reiterate this for the people in the back (!!). My absolute favorite thing to do in the world is perform on stage with my band, so not getting to do this (and having no clue when I’ll be able to do this ever again) is extremely disheartening. 

However, I have done a couple cool things during quarantine. For one, I directed a video for Phoebe Bridgers ("Kyoto") which came out in April. We shot it on a green screen because we couldn't go to actual Japan to shoot (obviously). I'm really proud of it, and it was so much fun to work on. Phoebe is the coolest. Here's le link: 

Also, Kills Birds is working on a new record. Somehow, in all of this, we've managed to stay creative. And we will be recording said record soon! Very excited. 

by Frank Mojica

by Frank Mojica


How have you been able to find inspiration and motivation as a person, and for your art in our current, chaotic world?

I’ve been reading a lot, discovering new music, watching films, and following some key speakers that have inspired me both in life, and in art. 

The highlights include: Toni Morrison, Rilke, Janaya Future Khan, Korean cinema (in general, but definitely check out The Wailing and Mother), The Wire, and Lovecraft Country.

Bonus 1: I also played the entirety of Red Dead Redemption and experienced an emotional rebirth. Something about aimlessly riding a video game horse through large swaths of the United States is therapeutic to me. 

Bonus 2: The life, work ethic, creativity, and philosophy of the late MCA is very inspiring to me. He pushes me to work harder and make more things. RIP MCA. 


What are you most looking forward to when we start to get back to normal?

I want to see and tour the world. I want to have the freedom to travel again. I want to return to Europe and see my grandparents in Bosnia.

Most of all, I want to sit outside at a busy cafe, and see the faces of everyone passing by me. 


Lastly, we are totally obsessed with what everyone's been listening to during quarantine - what are the top tracks on your playlist?

I’ve been v obsessed with the Beastie Boys. Especially their albums Ill Communication and Paul’s Boutique. “Flute Loop” and “Shadrach” are highlights on both. 

I’m also into Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco right now. “Ashes of American Flags” is my favorite track on there probably. IDK. 

And finally, “Starry Eyed Surprise” by Paul Oakenfold and Crazy Town is an early 2000s banger I re-discovered on one of my nostalgia binges. You will not regret listening to this track. It is a banger, and it will improve your mood by 50% (guaranteed).

This interview is part of Artists Off Stage - a series of snapshot style interviews and photo-stories highlighting how musicians are spending their time during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

All interviews are done remotely as we continue to practice social distancing. For resources and information regarding COVID-19, click here.

Keep up with Nina Ljeti + follow us on Instagram for more Artists Off Stage

Interview by James A. Duran