Artists Off Stage - Taleen Kali



Taleen Kali has been spending her time off-stage in Los Angeles, CA building a home studio, hanging out with her dog LeeLoo - and keeping the creative process deadline-free


Hey Taleen! If you had to pick a fictional character to describe your current mood, who would it be and why?

I feel like Parker Posey in Party Girl except I can only have parties online

Without being able play shows, we're asking artists how they've been spending their time during quarantine. What have you been doing to stay sane and busy?

I started getting cabin fever pretty much immediately because we had to postpone recording the first weekend of April and then cancel all our summer tours. So I began building a DIY home studio to experiment with sounds. I’ve been doing lots of file sharing and side projects, and that’s been keeping me connected to band-mates and creative collaborators. We also started up these monthly Patreon Quarantine Parties virtually every last Friday of the month. It’s been an awesome way to stay sane and social and keep in touch with our friends and fans since we can’t go to any shows right now. 


I admire how you're always creating in different mediums. What's some advice you can give on staying inspired to create, especially in the current state of the world?

Thank you! For me, creating in quarantine has been about putting as little pressure on the creative process as possible. I have at least like 7-8 creative things going on in my apartment at a time so I never have to feel bored, which is typically how I am with making stuff, except that in quarantine I haven’t put deadlines on anything. Leaving it open ended helps me enjoy the process more with no goal in mind. It’s been really freeing.


What have you been doing for self care during quarantine/any self care tips?

Honestly I spend a lot of time on my rooftop playing guitar. Oh and I finally got so bored I'm on TikTok! I cook a lot more now too and I just started going to the beach on the weekdays when it's not crowded just so I can stay cool and be in nature at the same time. I honestly don't know how I would be doing if it weren't for my dog LeeLoo. I do yoga and meditation and walk my dog everyday and I think they all add up and have been helping, but If I didn't have my pup I'd seriously look into adopting or fostering a dog right now. I can't recommend it enough.

Photo Aug 20, 4 42 20 PM.jpg

What are a few songs you've been currently listening to?

Loving the new VUM "Living Things" and Pale Spring "Slow Motion" and Clipping "Chapter 319." Love the new Alice Bag record too and the new X. 

This interview is part of Artists Off Stage - a series of snapshot style interviews and photo-stories highlighting how musicians are spending their time during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

All interviews are done remotely as we continue to practice social distancing. For resources and information regarding COVID-19, click here.

Keep up with Taleen Kali + follow us on Instagram for more Artists Off Stage

Interview by Lexi McCoy