Ariel Beesley Tells Her Toxic Releationships To Fuck Off In 'So Baby'



In her latest single Los Angeles, CA’s Ariel Beesley tells all of her toxic relationships that they can, quite literally, fuck right off.


Although LA has been without a live show for nearly half a year now, Ariel Beesley hasn’t let it slow her down when it comes to releasing music - not in the least bit. In her latest single, a powerful pop-rock 80’s-nostalgic gem titled ‘So Baby’, the singer-songwriter says goodbye to the toxic relationships and people of her past, and hello to a future of self-love.

We email-chatted with Beesley about her new single, toxic relationships, and her debut LP set to come out next year - on the background behind her new single, she explains, “I wrote “So Baby” at the end of 2019. 2019 Was an interesting year for me personally because I was single the whole year. First time since maybe I was 15. And I needed that so badly, to be alone and not worry about a partner’s life. That being said, it’s not like I was celibate. Though I didn’t have a “boyfriend” I did date some guys here and there, most of which treated me like trash and made it all the more clear why I needed to be single. Basically, at the end of all that bullshit I went into the studio with Daz [Cordeux] and was so fuckin angry. I told him we were there to write a song about telling all those guys they can fuck right off. And that’s exactly what we did.”

Beesley performing at Echo Park Rising 2019, by Frank Mojica

Beesley performing at Echo Park Rising 2019, by Frank Mojica

What advice would you give to someone that is in a relationship where they feel they aren't valued or being treated with decency?

Get the fuck out. Plain and simple. Although of course it is probably the least simple act in the world. Being with someone you love, who doesn’t show you that love back, in whatever way, is tortuous. And you may not even realize it at the time, in fact I can almost guarantee you don’t, but it is not worth it. Because that’s not love. It took me a really long time to learn this: “when people show you who they are, believe them” - Maya Angelou. Stop thinking to yourself “I know deep down this isn’t who they are, they’ll treat me better when they get help, I know the real them” fuck that noise. It’s in your head. What they are showing you, how they are treating you, that is THEM. And especially if this is an ongoing thing where you constantly feel put down or not appreciated, leave. I promise you’ll find someone who treats you the way you deserve- don’t settle.

A lot of your songs focus on relationships, positivity, and self-love - will there be similar themes on your full length album?

Yes! It’s actually super cool because I finished the writing for the record over quarantine. I’ve literally written 6 songs during the pandemic. And it’s really interesting because of the songs for the record, the last 6 that I just wrote are probably the most confident songs about loving yourself I’ve ever written. It’s all a process. This debut album will have songs from 2015 that never got released and songs I wrote over zoom with my friend Ciara (Pale Waves) last week. So it’s a very full picture of my 20’s I’d say. Which aren’t even over. I hope you love it.

When can we expect that LP?


Check out ‘So Baby’ by Ariel Beesley and keep up with us on Instagram for more fuck-you-I’m-worth-it

Words by James A. Duran

Photos by Anthony Deeying, Frank Mojica, and Richie Davis