Hi! What are your names and pronouns?
Ivy - she/her, bass and vocals
Em - they/them, guitar and vocals
Juliette - she/her, drums
If you had to pick any album to describe your current mood, what would it be and why?
Ivy: I just read Kathy Valentine’s memoir and watched the new Go-Go’s doc so I’ve been re listening to their albums a lot, but I’m not sure if it describes my mood per se. I recommend both, though!
Em: Neighborhoods by Ernest Hood.
Juliette: The Return of the Durutti Column by The Durutti Column
3. Without being able play shows, we're asking artists how they've been spending their time during quarantine. What have you been doing to stay busy?
Ivy: It’s been really tough not being able to play together, but I guess there’s some comfort in knowing everyone is dealing with this, too. I’ve been learning Hungarian and losing sleep taking care of my puppy.
Em: building my euro-rack and working a bunch.
Juliette: It’s always hard to answer this question because life feels so blurry right now! I’ve mostly been working with a few local orgs, cooking, taking photos and going outside.