Suzie True Celebrate Coming Out & Platonic Love On New Single ‘Bailey’
Los Angeles based Suzie True just shared their latest single, a dreamy track titled ‘Bailey’ that details platonic love, coming out, and friendship - we’re all over it.
“Bailey” is the second single to come off ‘Saddest Girl at the Party’, Suzie True’s debut LP to be released November 27th on Philadelphia’s Get Better Records. Paired with a Pre-COVID beach-hang-vintage-styled music video that features the band as well as members of fellow LA group Moonily, Suzie True fully showcase their upbeat, garage-pop sound on ‘Bailey’ while detailing emotional themes of platonic love, coming out, and friendship.
Music Video for “Bailey”
Here’s what singer/bass player Lexi McCoy had to say about ‘Bailey’
“‘Bailey’ was one of the first Suzie True songs I wrote, about 4 years ago. It's actually super weird because it's the first and only song I ever heard in a dream, it was just the chorus with the melody singing "Bailey." I woke up super freaked out by that and immediately just wrote the rest of the song. The only Bailey I knew was my friend who I met when I was 19, we worked at a crisis center together which was an experience that made us close in many ways. That was a really formative time in my life for a lot of reasons and Bailey was a bit older than me, so I really looked up to her. She was strong, selfless, smart and really didn't give a shit about what anyone thought about her. She was the first person I knew who spoke openly about sexual assault, mental health and sexuality. My whole life I had been socialized to not talk about those things, just to hide them and feel ashamed. She inspired me to come out to my friends and family as bisexual and to speak openly about my experience as a survivor of sexual and physical assault.
To me, the song is about the kind of friendship that inspires you to truly be yourself. It's about coming out, being young and figuring out who you are, and about how important platonic love is in a society that places way too much value on romantic love.”
-Lexi Mccoy