"Utopia" A Story + Single by Niis


Fire. Not just in the “hey that’s awesome” sense, but in the “oh, wait, this is actually burning” sense—fire best describes “Utopia.” And, hey, it’s a motif of the track, too.

Now, “Utopia” would have been an excellent single just on its own. As a staple of the band, rough vocals throttle atop of nefarious and engrossing instrumentation in a catchy orchestration of gummed-up rage. The drums, especially, splatter and boom like a cry of their own in the background of mayhem.


Long story short: “Utopia,” as a single, is carnivorous. Because who doesn’t love a good song for thrashing and mashing? By all measurements, Niis ain’t slowing down.

But the real kicker is the sizzling music video Niis dropped along with the track. “Utopia” tells a story (similar to the band’s previous single, “Big Zoo”), and it’s told with such opaqueness that it equals the track’s pace. It’s not a serious story that’ll leave your head scratching, but it’s a step beyond any normal music video that shows the distinct, unique, and chaotic state that is Niis.

Niis’ commitment to their music, and to the message of that music, is clearly noted! Check out “Utopia” now, and catch up to one of the best upcoming bands to do it!


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Words by Justin Cervantes

Photos by James Duran