Artists Off Stage - Laena Myers-Ionita


Laena Myers-Ionita has been spending time off-stage in Los Angeles, CA working on a new record with FEELS, building out a home studio, hanging out with her grandmother, and teaching music to incarcerated people


Hi Laena! Hope your week is off to a lovely start - what are you up to today?

Hi James, thank you! Today is Tuesday, and I just finished up teaching through a Non-Profit I work for called Jail Guitar Doors that works with incarcerated and system-impacted individuals. I've been working for them 2-3 days per week since FEELS wrapped up touring in the Fall of 2019, but since the initial lock down it's all been virtual. So basically it's me in my little studio talking to a screen haha, it's weird but I guess that's what a lot of us spend our time doing these days


As I'm sure you're aware, Los Angeles is coming up on nearly a year of COVID-19-haze - meaning that we're also coming up on a (very bleak) year of no live music or touring - What have you been up to, off-stage, for the past 365 days?

It is so crazy. I'm very grateful for the fact that I live alone in a nice, tiny house with a big yard which has essentially become my entire world. At the beginning of 2020 I started converting this little office into a home studio, so when the pandemic hit I was strangely already in the process of building it out and stepping up my knowledge of recording, and it's really been such a life saver. It took me all of last year to really get it to the point where I felt confident enough to put it on blast, but since January I've been doing a bunch of remote violin sessions and I just started working on some compositions for thriller movie trailers! FEELS recorded an EP literally as the initial lock down went into effect last March and that's coming out really soon, and we've been getting together to jam and work on the next album. I've got a solo record that a friend of mine and I had been working on between busy touring schedules over the last couple years, and now it's finally getting very close to being finished. And then of course, teaching for Jail Guitar Doors a couple times per week. Besides strictly music stuff I've also been driving out to Palmdale twice a week to take care of my grandmother who has early Alzheimers and lives alone. She's from communist Romania- moved here in her fifties- and is full of amazing stories about being a little girl during World War II and a working Mom in the 60's. She loves giving me manicures.


My friend Gina and I have kept each other relatively sane, and lots of hours-long phone calls with other friends too. I fell in love 9 months ago and that relationship has truly been an awesome silver lining. Other than all that I've just been cooking, jumping on a mini trampoline, smothering my pets, trying to grow food in my yard, educating myself on social issues and learning/practicing ways in which i can contribute to a just society, occasional masked/outdoor visits with friends and my Mom, discovering my inner demons and of course a whole lot of pacing around feeling like my brain is exploding and melting at the same time.


Has your inspiration to create art and music changed at all this past year? How have you kept motivated to work on projects?

Honestly it has been really difficult to feel inspired. I'm used to a lot of motion and variety, and riding that momentum. I've definitely moved much more slowly than I normally would. Time has lost meaning. There's no real accountability since there's no way to really plan and no one is expecting anything. And also, it's just really hard to not feel depressed with so much injustice in the world and not being able to really feel connected to other human beings. Social media seems to take more energy than it gives, at least to me. Playing music has felt good, and I'll get song ideas in my head still and everything, but lyric writing hasn't come naturally and the energy to follow through with things has been thin. I've kept motivated by acknowledging that these are strange times and that it's not some personal failure to feel uninspired right now. Showing up is important- like just sitting down with the intention to write- but then if I'm just not getting into the zone that's ok too. I've felt a bit reinvigorated since the New Year and I'm still riding that wave? Basically the key for me seems to be that when inspiration does come, be ready to receive it and run with it, try to keep whatever momentum I can get in this weird vacuum of time and space.


What's the first thing you're excited to get back to when our world starts to re-gain some normalcy?

Live music!


Lastly, the most important question I've got for you today - what have you been listening to lately?

I know this sounds weird but I go through phases where I don't listen to much really, and I'm in one of those phases right now. Sometimes when I'm working on a lot I kind of need a break, and also to process what I'm working on, like just let it be in my head. I do however throw on a bangin mix I made whenever I jump on the trampoline that features mostly 70's and 80's African disco. If you are lookin to get pumped try starting with these songs!

"Disco Dancer" by Kiki Gyan

"Holiday Action" by Livy Ekemezie (part of an amazing Nigerian disco comp called Doing it in Lagos)

"Yemmpa Aba" by Ata Kak

"Dooyo" by Dur-Dur Band

"I Want More" by CAN

Honorable mention "Inspector Norse" by Todd Terje (it's totally dorky but I dare you to not get stoked and want to dance around while listening to it)

This interview is part of Artists Off Stage - a series of snapshot style interviews and photo-stories highlighting how musicians are spending their time during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

All interviews are done remotely as we continue to practice social distancing. For resources and information regarding COVID-19, click here.

Keep up with Laena Myers-lonita + follow us on Instagram for more Artists Off Stage

Interview by James A. Duran