Artists Off Stage - Pink Shift



Pinkshift have been spending time off-stage in Baltimore, Maryland practicing, releasing vinyl - and making improvised music videos in abandoned houses.


Hi! What are your names and pronouns?

Erich he/him

Ashrita she/her

Myron he/him

Paul he/him

If you had to pick a fictional character to describe your current mood, who would it be and why?

Erich: Gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist because I’m really hungry right now

Myron: Probably Jake the Dog from Adventure Time because I just wanna eat sandwiches and sleep. 

Ashrita: Daria from Daria because I’m just so tired lol

Paul: that fish on Spongebob that always screams “my leg” off screen cause schooling and musicing gets chaotic at times

Without being able play shows, we're asking artists how they've been spending their time during quarantine. What have you been doing to stay busy?

Ashrita: As a band we’ve been practicing together, and trying to film videos for our songs! Otherwise, boring day job/school stuff on my end. I just started sewing masks though and I might just start binge-crafting lol

Myron: I’ve been doing a lot of working, skating, and playing music with the band!

Paul: during the summer I spent a lot of time playing video games! It felt nice to kinda disconnect from music for a bit. Halfway through, I started pick up video editing again and started working on little projects that helped me practice


I'm obsessed with your video and single for "i'm gonna tell my therapist on you." What inspired the song? Also the video was one of the first quarantine music videos I've seen, what was the process like making it?

Erich: “Hey one of our friends has an empty house we can record a music video in, so we’re      gonna stand around the house and play our instruments ”, “Oh cool”

Ashrita: The song was honestly something we wrote because we wanted to write a song that was fun to play. The process of the video was pretty spontaneous and not planned at all. Making the video was really just a crap shoot and a very genuine look into our ability to organize and execute on the spot haha. 

Myron: The day went like this. I drove to Baltimore with my kit and set up in our friend’s place. And from there it was just improvisation as we explored her house and came up with ideas for each room. 

Paul: Everyone before me covered it! The video was super fun to make but a bit stressful at times, especially when the neighbor came thru all angry. We felt really bad and had to adjust on the spot lol

Your new "Direct-to-Vinyl Live Session" record pre-order is so cool and unique!! Tell us about it and how ya'll came up with that idea.

Ashrita: We actually saw an Instagram ad for Leesta Vall - they said you could apply to do a direct-to-vinyl session as a part of their ongoing project! Logistically, it was the easiest way for us to get physicals without paying tons of money up front or signing to a label, so we applied immediately. When they were down to have us, we had the idea to coordinate it with this single release! We kind of “got discovered” during the pandemic, so most of our listeners have never seen us live. It was a win-win idea to get people excited for our next single, play live, and give special thanks to our supporters during these insane times. 

Lastly, what are a few songs you've been currently listening to?


yozora wo zenbu by sora tob sakana

WAVE by Special Others


A Girl IS a GUN by Bktherula

Heavy Heavy by Pom Pom Squad

Patience by Mannequin Pussy

Stabilisers for Big Boys by Panchiko


Worldwide Torture by Jazmin Bean

We’re all gonna die!!! by Baby FuzZ

Taxi by Nova Twins

Witch Like Me by Haybaby


content // bedtime by illuminati hotties


Float to the top by microwave

Hate me (sometimes) by stand atlantic

This interview is part of Artists Off Stage - a series of snapshot style interviews and photo-stories highlighting how musicians are spending their time during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

All interviews are done remotely as we continue to practice social distancing. For resources and information regarding COVID-19, click here.

Keep up with Pinkshift + follow us on Instagram for more Artists Off Stage

Interview by Lexi McCoy